Nieto Senetiner

Bienvenido a Nieto Senetiner

Al acceder al sitio usted acepta que tiene la edad legal para beber en su país.


Privacy Policy


The User understands that any personal data provided through this website is provided on a voluntary basis and gives express consent to the use of such data for the purposes set forth in this Policy. Use of data: Personal data provided through this Website shall be used exclusively for marketing purposes, i.e. to provide the registered Users with news, promotions and other information related to Molinos Río de la Plata S.A. (“Molinos”). Registered database: Personal data provided through this site shall be part of the “Web Molinos” database , which is the exclusive property of Molinos, domiciled at Osvaldo Cruz 3350, City of Buenos Aires, duly registered with the NATIONAL DATABASE REGISTRY under No 1126. Therefore, Molinos fully complies with the provisions of Law 25 326 (“Personal Data Protection Act”). Mandatory information: All mandatory fields for signing up to receive information from Molinos are identified with an asterisk. Accuracy of data provided: The truthfulness of the personal data provided through this website is the exclusive responsibility of the holder thereof and Molinos shall have no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in connection to said data. Right to access/rectification/update/removal: Any person who has provided personal data through this page shall have the right to access such data and request rectification, update or removal thereof. They can do so in person at the Molinos offices located at Uruguay 4075, Victoria, province of Buenos Aires, with their identity document, or by letter, attaching a copy of their identity document, addressed to: Molinos Río de la Plata S.A. Uruguay 4075 – CP B1644HKG, Victoria – Provincia de Buenos Aires, Gerencia de Asuntos Legales.


Access to the data provided by the User shall be limited to duly authorized Molinos personnel and third parties hired by Molinos to perform any activity related to the creation of this database, who shall keep said data confidential. Molinos shall not disclose, sell or share the information provided with anyone other than those mentioned above, except when so required by a court order or when there are well-founded reasons of public security, national defense or public health that justify disclosure thereof. Registration denial: Molinos reserves the right to deny the registration of one or more users with no obligation to provide the reasons for its decision. Data security: Molinos adopts security measures at all levels of its technological platform to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data, within the scope of its administrative capacity. Minors: Any minor who wishes to enter his/her data in this website must obtain the prior authorization of his/her parents or guardian, who shall be responsible for controlling the minor’s use of Internet, releasing Molinos from any responsibility whatsoever in this regard.